Anna Heidenhain, Philipp Rupp
und Pick Nick Projects

Dasselbe in Blau und Wild Green Tea



The title of the exhibition series ‘Fata Morgana’ made Anna Heidenhain and Philipp Rupp imagine tents in an oriental tale in the desert – here they were, executed in trashy fabrics from an Istanbul bazaar that sells leftovers from the global garment production.
Thus linking oriental fantasies with the realitiy of the 21st century. The optimized garment production requires a high level of standardization. In order to break these norms, we redefined tents with single piece fabrics.


As tents being one of the oldest and basic forms of human shelter buildings, the idea of a modern nomadism appealed to us. As well as making an ephemeral and temporary building, which will host the videos from the artist group from Cyprus.
This time pick nick projects (Alkis Hadjiandreou, Panayiotis Michael und Maria Petrides) shows the video Wild Green Tea at this portable platform.

The video presents a walking tour through a gentrified part of Nicosia. The guide and professional horticulturist Charalambos Christodoulou addresses the planted flowers and plants, as well as those greens that are normally sidelined as they aren’t considered part of the landscape’s ‘planning’. The aim of this project is to pause and pay attention to details of the city which are typically disregarded.


Interested in this kind of zooming into details while walking, the street becomes reclaimed by presenting types of existing lives, which actively but silently take part in the natural, social and cultural history of the city.

The idea of presenting Wild Green Tea in Neukölln negotiates the ways that everyday life experiences which happen in a certain locality (in this case, in Nicosia) and how they can be presented to other localities (Neukölln) which undergo similar – though in different terms – processes of change; a kind of reflecting on what is going on here by looking at what is happening there … in this sense, it is about using the distance between here and there in order to produce an open space and time of critical reflections.